I love coffee!!! caramel machaido (bad spelling i know) with soy milk and a double shot of expresso.
Estella Bolger
JoinedPosts by Estella Bolger
by Soledad ini'm so thrilled i bought my stove top espresso maker today!!!
i've been looking for these for months!.
Feeling Frustrated
by 24k inhave you had this experience when talking with friends and family members who are still in?
you:well the society looked down on attending college when i was getting out of high school.
them:they never said you couldn't attend college.
Estella Bolger
I understand completely. Me and my sisters were always discouraged from getting any kind of higher education. And it made it hard on us financially. It wasn't until we started taking classes at night, did we start to get better jobs. And of course brothers and sisters in the hall didn't like that. They would say that the classes would keep us away from the meetings, even though the classes were not on meeting nights. I don't regret my education now. The supposed "new system" still isn't here yet.
ketchup on your eggs-poll
by zev ini dont know if its my n.e.
upbringing, but how many of you out there enjoy a little ketchup with your eggs.
tabasco sauce doesn't count.
Estella Bolger
ketchup on my hash browns and tabasco on my eggs.
contact sports
by ogoshi in.
ive just found this forum and im hoping someone out there may be able to clarify something for me.ive been told that jw people are not allowed to practice some contact sports ,such as judo,boxing.karate etc but can play rugby and,american football.surely the last 2 sports ive named are just as aggressive and violent as the first 3.i would be interested to know why some are banned and some are not.
my sport is judo, and formerly rugby and im not a jw but have a good friend who is.i hope someone can answer this as i find it quite puzzling.. thanks ...ogoshi..
Estella Bolger
This is just my opinion. But I think the first three you mentioned are fighting sports. The techniques you learn at them are made for fighting. But rugby and football are team sports. Meant to be played for fun. They can be rough at times, but if played properly and in the spirit of fun, they can be harmless.
Scary Pictures in the Live Forever book
by Surfacing in.
i remember as a kid being freaked out by two pictures.
one was of the demons floating away leaving their screaming wives and babies during the flood, and the other was the collage with the gas mask guy and the kid holding his hands over his ears and the dead guy with the chopsticks..... oh yes, did i mention that i wasn't allowed to watch the care bears movie as a kid because of the "frightening and demonic" scenes?
Estella Bolger
I loved the Care Bears when I was a little kid. I had the stuffed animals and everything. but I wasn't allowed to watch the cartoon. But the images in the magazines and the books gave me nightmares, but I was forced to study them every week whether I liked it or not.
Pharmacy Refuses To Fill Birth Contol Pills-Do They Have That Right?
by wednesday inyesterday, a pharmacy cvc, refused to fill a script for birth control pills.
the customer was btw, a married woman with 2 kids.
the pharmicist aparently did not believe in birth control, so refused to fill the script.
Estella Bolger
Not everyone who takes birth control is taking it because they are sexually active. I take it because my periods got so out of control for over a year. My doctor put me on them for a reason. For a pharmasist to refuse to fill the perscription is just plain dumb. He could be sued for discriminating again her. And could be fired of course.
by in a new york bethel minute ini grew up having nightmares about armageddon, satan and, most of all jehovah.
i am 25 now and i still get nightmares, and they're always about these same things.
i was wondering if my brain is overactive, or if other people on this site get nightmares about things they learned as a witness.
Estella Bolger
I used to have a nightmare about Armageddon. That it had started and I was hiding because I knew that I would be one of the ones that gets struck down. I used to wake up in a cold sweat.